Friday, March 11, 2016

Heidi Day 33 Friday

8:00 am
1 package Belvita biscuits
10:30 am
THM shake- chocolate mint (accidentally added an extra drop of peppermint essential oil and boy was it minty!!!)

1:00 pm
cucumber with salt
strawberry yogurt popsicle

too many oven-baked chicken nuggets with sweet and sour sauce

I was craving something to munch on but nothing I had sounded good, so I tried a new recipe from the THM cookbook for a drink- Good Girl Moonshine, or GGMS. I made two batches of it and it filled up my tummy and cured the craving!

1 tablespoon raw apple cider vinegar (with "mother")
1 teaspoon ginger juice
4 doonks stevia
(added a little tea to mix it up)
filled quart jar with ice, filled rest with herbal raspberry tea.

(my fist one I only used 1 tsp of ACV because I was scared to drink vinegar, but the second time I added the full TB and it made it tart and the flavors really pop)

Heidi Day 32... I'm back!

Hey girls! After a brief hiatus (lots of flimsy excuses I won't bother sharing) I am back to blogging. Gotta keep myself accountable! I'm going to try adding in the times when I eat so I can hopefully start being more consistent.

Breakfast (S)
10:30 am
Shake Gone Nuts from THM cookbook

Lunch (S)
1:30 pm
rotisserie chicken white meat
large avocado

tea sandwiches at a Relief Society activity
assorted cut fruit
1 slice chocolate chip banana bread

frozen yogurt

Late Night Snack
1 package Belvita biscuits

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Heidi Day 24

1 slice whole grain toast with butter
 3 packages fruit snacks

Snack (CO)
tortilla chips with salsa and cream cheese

Lunch (CO)
PB&J sandwich on whole grain bread

Snow peas

2 grilled cheese sandwiches on whole grain bread
part of Jason's carne asada quesadilla

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Heidi Day 23

stale cookie. Now they really are all gone.

Snack (E)
real breakfast- fluffy oatmeal with 2 egg whites, chia seeds, cinnamon, nutmeg and stevia. Soooo good!

Raspberry Zinger tea with 1 tablespoon collagen

Snack (CO)
tortilla chips with cream cheese in salsa

Dinner (FP)
salad with rotisserie chicken

Dessert (S)
Strawberry cheesecake shake from THM cookbook: (I had a 1/3 serving since I shared with my girls)
1/2 to 3/4 cup frozen strawberries (or raspberries)
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1/2 cup unsweetened almond or cashew milk
1/4 cup water
protein powder (I subbed a couple spoonfuls plain greek yogurt)
stevia sweetener to taste
1 rounded tablespoon cream cheese
1.5-2 cups ice cubes
1/4 tsp Glucomannan (optional)

I'm going to start including Trim Healthy Mama abbreviations to help me stay aware of how I'm balancing the different meal types:
(E) Energizing- protein with carb
(S) Satisfying- protein with fat
(FP) Fuel Pull- protein with minimal carbs or fats
(CO) Crossover- protein with both carbs and fats