Wednesday, May 4, 2016

I'm in! Heidi- Day 1, Take 2

I'm with you Katie. I've been in a slump ever since dislocating my shoulder and it's been difficult fighting my way forward. I feel like I've been taking two or three steps back for every one step forward. I gained back up to 226, but fortunately with some exercise, eating better and fasting on Sunday I'm back down to 220, which is where I was when I stopped blogging.

Today I feel great. I got some quality time in at the gym last night while Jason watched the girls. 10 minutes on the hydromassage table, 25 minutes on the stationary bike, 30 minutes stretching, and another 10 minute hydromassage.

I had to go with a quick breakfast of cottage cheese and an apple since Annibelle got into the suncreen and applied it liberally to herself, the carpet, bed, and closet... still need to clean the carpet, bed,and closet...

I had a physical therapy appointment where I learned that my mobility has increased, got a new strength exercise added to my regimen, and the doctor stretched out my arm and shoulder for me. Feeling much more optimistic!

Then the true test of my willpower came- lunch at grandmas. (I've mentioned before how her place is a haven of temptation). I made a conscious decision to not have ANYTHING off-plan (since it's hard to stop with just one...) We gardened for a bit then I had tuna salad- not on a roll (or three), with a sliced tomato. And a cold bottle of water, no soda. I felt amazing! So proud. There was a close call when I gave Annibelle a donut hole, normally I would have grabbed a few for myself too. But I didn't :)

Avoided the Costco food court- Annibelle was sad to not get a hot dog and soda, but that's another weakness.

Afternoon snack is a recipe from the THM cookbook- salted caramel frappacino. Yummy and guilt free.

Dinner will be something chicken... and then I'm going to read in bed so I don't watch TV and eat fruit snacks, which is pretty much the only sweet snack in the house right now.

Back in the game!

1 comment:

  1. Update: busy night, so dinner was oven bake chicken nuggets with sweet and sour sauce while stopping off at grandmas in between errands and picking Emily up from her activity. Totally resisted all treats again, though I was sorely tempted by the lemon cake bites calling my name...
