Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Katie Day before Day 1 :)

Hello Ladies!
Thanks Heidi for joining me!  I was going to skip tonight cause Im tired but I know that if I skip tonight than it will be easier to skip tomorrow and the next day and so on, therefore I am posting today!  I didn't really start my diet today and I didn't really count my calories completely since today was a prep day, but because I know that tomorrow is coming, I did make wise decisions.  Tonight for YW we made 108 dozen chocolate chip cookies (for our camp fundraiser)  The dough looked so yummy and I am proud to announce that I didn''t snitch any of it!  I wanted homemade chocolate chip cookies soooo badly when I got home!! I told Dan that I really needed a snack and we have Nutella to Go sticks in the kitchen for the kiddos amd thats what I really wanted.  However I opted for some dried fruit instead and now I am going to bed with a satisfied tummy and a glass of water!
I will blog and post my calorie count and everything tomorrow!
Until then .. Happy Diet Preping :)

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! That must have been SO HARD to resist! I struggled last night because I didn't snack before bed but then stayed up until 12:30 reading... my stomach was grumbling but I kept reminding myself it would be worth it in the long run :) Stay strong!
