Saturday, February 20, 2016

Heidi Day 12

Yay, no confession to start out today's post! :) Katie and Caitie and I were texting about how the thought of having to blog about our poor eating choices is a great motivator to stay strong in the moment. I had a close call yesterday at Trader Joe's with the four pack of triple chocolate mini bundt cakes. I knew that if I bought it I wouldn't stop at just one. The thought of gaining weight only made me pause as I imagined how delicious it would taste. Then I remembered how I didn't feel so great that morning typing my confession from the night before and sadly set it down and walked away. I immediately texted "Blaze" and "Smokin' Katie" to celebrate the victory and felt better that someone knew what I had just gone through. Once I was rational again I remembered that the healthy food in my cart was there for a reason, and that succumbing to temptation would be self-defeating and negate the money I was spending on things that would actually help me reach my goal and bring lasting joy, not just immediate gratification. Hopefully next time will be easier to say no and the desire will be lessened.


deli turkey and pepper jack cheese melted on a sprouted grain wrap
1/2 cucumber

plain Greek yogurt with berries and stevia

1/2 grilled cheese sandwich on whole grain bread
homemade pizza with pepperoni, basil and mushrooms

Ate two bites of a frosted red velvet cookie but it was way too sweet! This is a good thing, my taste buds are adjusting!!! And I didn't finish it like I normally would have :)

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