Friday, February 19, 2016

Katie Day 12
I am so tired tonight so this is going to be a quick short post.  I had a good day today and tonight Dan and I went dancing!  We had an Elders Quorum pizza and dance activity tonight and so Dan and I danced the night away, well actually we danced for about an hour but still it was fun and I burned about 399 calories by shakin it :)  I am struggling tonight though because I am really hungry after dancing and I want to eat something.  I have eaten 1157 calories today and because I burned 399 calories I still have 542 calories reamining.  Yet I feel like if I don't eat any more tonight then I will loose weight faster, AUGH I am so hungry and water isn't cutting it!
Anyways, here is my food intake today

Breakfast - 130
1 Cup Cheerios - 103
1/4 Cup 1% Milk -  28

Lunch - 320
Grilled Cheese -

Dinner - 439
Homemade Pizza at the Elders Quorum Activity

Snack - 267
Taco - 214
1 Cup Fresh Sliced Strawberries - 53

Total Calories Consumed - 1157
Calories Burned Dancing - 399

Oh and I forgot to post last night here is my calorie consumption from yesterday = 1214
I really wanted the Sugar Cookie that I made Dan for Valentines Day, Every year for Valentines Day I make Dan a big heart shaped sugar cookie that is the size of the cookie sheet.  I made it on Wednesday so its still good.  I did sliver off some but I knew that I had to fess up here on the blog and so I didn't eat half the heart like I wanted to!  Man it is calling my name tonight thought! I sure hope that I can stay strong and just go to bed, but I am so hungry tonight!!

Tomorrow I am taking the YW to a Trampoline park afterwards we are all coming back to my place for Icecream Sundaes, I plan on having a skinny cow icecream sandwich while they are making sundaes,  I like having a plan of attack before I have tempation infront of me, I hope my plan works!  Right now I could eat a pint of icecream, thank heavens there isn't any icecream in the house yet :)  I think I just might have some cantaloupe.

Anyways, Until Tomorrow... Happy Dieting!

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