Monday, February 29, 2016

Katie Day 21
WOW day 21 and I have been a slacker at blogging this week!  I feel like the blogging for all of us hasn't been very consistant lately and so for me that is not a good sign because when I don't blog then I don't hold myself as accountable as I should.  So, let me catch everyone up on my week.  I was doing really well this week.  On Tuesday we took the kiddos to Disneyland and I was so well behaved!  I brought cantaloupe to snack on so that I wouldn't be tempted by the yummy food all around me.  Dan went to buy us Churros as is tradition cause the Disneyland churros are the BEST!  and I told him to just buy 2 = one for him and one for the kiddos to share, yes I did it I DID NOT eat a churro!!!  I made us all peanut butter and jelly sandwiches but with my sandwich I measured out 1/2 Tbs of PB and 1/2 Tbs of jelly and it was the perfect amount and didn't kill my calories!  I made the sandwiches ahead of time and so when I got the munchies at lunch time I ate my sandwich!  This preplanning also saved me money as I didn't buy lunch at Disneyland so it was a double win!  By the time dinner rolled around I was hungry for some good food and not another PB&J so we went to a restaurant and I ordered a salad with light dressing!  So although we went to Disneyland I was well behaved and didn't blow my diet.  In fact the next day I weighed myself and I even lost a few ounces, YAY!
But then... AUGH!!!  So on Wednesday morning my mom called (she lives in Wyoming) and my parents were headed to Chicago for a few days.  However the weather in Chicago was really bad and their flight kept getting delayed and so to make a long story short, they came here to sunny CA instead!!!  It has been such a fun trip and I am so glad that they came!  However, because we have been having so much fun, I havent been keeping track of my calories since Wednesday lunch.  Then on Thursday afternoon we went down to LA so that on Friday we could go to Disneyland with my parents.  I was well behaved on Thursday morning and ate my oatmeal and was planning on eating fish for lunch but the fish place was closed so we went to Islands (a hamburger joint)  I ordered a salad with ranch dressing on the side but I ended up using most of the dressing and my parents ordered french fries for appetizers and I ate some so I have no idea how many calories I ate on Thursday.  For dinner I ate salad again but the family we stayed with made us an apple cake dessert and I didnt want to hurt any feelings so I ate a piece.
Friday morning I was going to have cheerios for breakfast but again the family we were staying with bought us blueberry muffins for a special breakfast.  My kids don't eat food coloring and I didn't want to have a bad day at Disneyland and so I didn't let them eat the muffins.  My mom can't eat gluten and so no one was eating the muffins and so my dad asked me to eat some so that feelings werent hurt.  So I ate half of one.  Again I have no clue how many calories were in half a muffin.  While at Disneyland my resolve to not eat poorly was a bit weak and I ended up eating half a churro :(  I tried to snack on cantaloupe but it wasn't doing the trick this time.  Around 2:30 or so we were all starvingfor lunch and so we went to Downtown Disney and ate at house of blues.  I was going to get a salad again but I was kinda sick of salads and so I got a French Dip Sandwich and boy was it delish!  I ate half the sandwich and then took 2 bites of the other half but stopped myself cause I was full and had my Dad take my plate and put it on the other side of him.  I did however eat too many sweet potato fries :(  We walked all over Disneyland and California Adventure and ended up walking almost 10 miles so thats good.  I figured since we walked all over and I didn't snack on too many bad things that I was probably ok, but yesterday when I weighed myself I was up a few ounces which totally defeated me :(
Lets skip to today.  I had every resolve to get back on track today and I did good about my meals and calculating my calories except for this one thing and it totally bugs me that I gave in.  Last night was my friends' annual cookie exchange and it is such a fun party!  Everyone brings 5 doz cookies and we all bring home tons of different homemade cookies.  Well due to the fact that my parents were in town I opted to not go to the exchange.  But I have such awesome friends that my friend packed up a box full of cookies for me!  She had her husband deliver it this morning and I didn't even attempt to resist trying the cookies :(  I told myself to just take a small bite of the ones that lookes yummy so that I could have a taste but those small bites turned into multiple small bites until the cookie was gone :(  Im not sure how many cookies I ended up eating but I think I had 4 or 5.  AUGH!! If I hadn't eaten the cookies I would have only eaten 778 calories in food today, so yes I had 534 calories remaining but I am positive that those cookies were well over 534 calories :(  On a brighter note they were YUMMY!!


  1. I feel your pain. This weekend was a bust for me, so today I'm recommitting and starting fresh!

  2. Me too Heidi. We went to the zoo today and all I could think about were the cookies I wanted to eat the minute I got home. So I called Dan and asked him to take the cookies to work with him. I have had plenty of samples from the cookies so although Im sad they are out of the house I am glad the temptation is gone :)
